
Project Title: Hewa Khola ‘A’ Hydroelectric Project

  • Task: Feasibility study review,Detailed Design and Construction supervision

  • Capacity: 14.9 MW

  • Status: Completed

Salient features (as per Final Review of Feasibility Study Report, 2011):

 Development region  Eastern
 Zone  Mechi
 District  Panchthar
 District headquarter  Phidim
 VDCs  Bharapa, Yangnam and Nangin
 Project location
 Longitude  87° 49′ 40″ E to 87° 47′ 21″ E
 Latitude  27° 11′ 8″ N to 27° 10′ 1″ N
 Type of scheme  Run of river (RoR)
 Source river  Hewa Khola
 Access  Calcutta sea port (India) to Nepal-India border Jogbani

Jogbani-Biratnagar-Charali-Ilam-Phidim (about 300 km black topped double lane two way traffic plain and hill road)

Phidim-Hewa Khola Bridge (about 15 km, black topped double lane two way traffic hill road)

Hewa Khola Bridge-Powerhouse site (about 5 km, earthen fair weather single lane two way traffic access road)

 Catchment area  208 km2 (at intake)
 Mean annual precipitation  2333.78 mm
 Design discharge  8.12 m3/s (Q40%)
1 in 100 years return period design flood at intake 989 m3/s
Power and energy
 Gross head  221.52 m
 Installed capacity  14900 kW
 Dry season energy  13.449 GWh
 Wet season energy  71.311 GWh
 Annual energy  84.760 GWh
 Project components
Type Low height boulders lined with concrete cut-off walls
 Crest level  867.50 m amsl
 Length of weir  47.00 m
 Spillway type  Free overflow
 Sluice way
Number 1
 Invert level  863.20 m amsl
 Gate opening sizes  3.00 m (w) X 2.50 m (h)
Type Gated side orifice intake with coarse trash rack
 Nos. of opening  2 nos.
 Opening size (single orifice)  5.00 m (w) X 1.00 m (h)
 Sill level  866.00 m amsl
 Trash rack clear opening  100 mm
 Thickness of bar  25 mm
 Gravel trap
 Type  Continuous flushing hopper type
 Overall length  21.00 m
 Width  Varying (11.00 m to 6.00 m)
 Depth (below intake sill level)  2.50 m (Maximum)
 Particle size to be


 5.00 mm
 Approach culvert
 Type  RCC box culvert
 Length  65.80 m
 Width  3.00 m
 Height  2.20 m
Design flow 8.12 m3/s
 Flow type  Non pressurised
 Settling basin
 Type  Double chamber, gravity flushing type
 Settling zone length  60.00 m
 Inlet transition length  35.50 m
 Single basin width  8.50 m
 Overall depth  6.80 m (Maximum)
 Particle size to be settled  0.2 mm with 90% settling efficiency
 Design flow  8.12 m3/s
 Headrace tunnel
 Type  Inverted D-shaped
 Length  3929.75 m
 Width (excavation)  3.20 m
 Height (Excavation)  3.20 m
 Longitudinal slope  Varying form 1:60, 1:200, 1:500, 1:1000 and 1:2000
 Design flow  8.12 m3/s
 Khang Khola Crossing
 Type  Simply supported steel pipe
 Span  27.00 m
 Diameter of steel pipe  1750 mm (internal)

Surge shaft
 Type  Circular RCC lined
 Effective diameter  6.00 m
 Height  46.75 m
 Free board  2.95 m
 Type  Mild steel circular shaped
 Length  375.30 m (exposed)
 Internal diameter  1750 mm
 Thickness  10 to 30 mm
 Design flow  8.12 m3/s
 No. of anchor blocks  12
 Branch pipe diameter  1250 mm (internal)
 Branch pipe thickness  25 mm
 Branch pipe length  45.50 m
 Closing & opening time  15 sec
 Type  Surface type, RCC framed structure
 Length  35.00 m
 Width  12.80 m
 Height  22.60 m
 Type  Box culvert
 Length  25.75 m
 Width  3.50 m
 Height  2.00 m
 Minimum tailwater level  645.41 m amsl
 Type  Francis
 No. of units  2
 Rated capacity  7500 kW one unit
 Turbine axis level  644.91 m amsl
 Design flow  4.06 m3/s for one unit
 Type  3 Phase brushless synchronous
No. of units 2
 Rated capacity  7500 kW each
 Governor  Servo motor actuated PID electronic flow governor
 Overhead crane  Lifting capacity 32/5 Ton
 Step up transformer
 Type  3-Phase, two windings, oil immersed transformer, oil-nature-circulation cooling, with tap-changer and auxiliaries and spare equipments Outdoor type
No. of units 2
 Rating  10,000 kVA, 6.3/132 kV, 50 Hz
 Transmission line  132 kV single circuit, 3 phase, 50 Hz, 5 km long up to Soktim Danda
 Grid connection point  Panchthar substation at Soktim Danda
 Access road  Earthen road, 10 km long
 Financial indicator
 B/C ratio  1.18
 IRR  16.44%
 ROE  23.57%
Total project cost                              NPR 2,235,060,000.00
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Contact Address
KMC-04, Dhumbarahi Kathmandu, Nepal P.O.Box-19737
Phone: 00977-1-4372828/4373030/4015788
Fax: 977-1-4015799
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